1. Start Slow and Listen to Your Body: Post-pregnancy, your body needs time to recover. Start with gentle exercises and gradually increase intensity as you regain strength. Pay close attention to how your body feels and avoid pushing through pain or discomfort.

  2. Prioritize Core and Pelvic Floor Strengthening: Rebuilding core and pelvic floor strength is essential for postnatal recovery. Focus on exercises that target these areas to help restore stability, improve posture, and prevent issues like diastasis recti and incontinence.

  3. Incorporate Gentle Mobility Work: Pregnancy can affect your posture and joint mobility. Incorporate stretching and mobility exercises to help realign your body, improve flexibility, and release tension, especially in the lower back and shoulders.

  4. Bring Your Baby: Our FitMums classes are designed with new mums in mind, so feel free to bring your baby along. As long as they aren’t yet mobile, you can focus on your workout while they stay close by, making it easier to fit exercise into your new routine.

  5. Stay Consistent, but Be Patient: Consistency is key, but don’t rush the process. Postnatal recovery takes time, so celebrate small progress and stay patient with yourself. Regular participation in FitMums will help you rebuild strength and confidence in a safe and supportive environment.
